Construction of the orphanage (220 children) in the Republic of Yakutia

Yakutia, 1999 –

The President of the Republic of Yakutia decrees with the highest gratitude of this Republic for the founder of "Behgjet Pacolli" Foundation” for all humanitarian contributions in this republic.

• Construction of the house for orphans and all contributions for their recovery, inside and outside the country.

• Scholarships for 12 students from Yakutia, for their retraining in professional schools and universities in Switzerland.

• Sponsorship of many conferences related to the social and professional development of various associations of the Republic of Yakutia, and many other contributions.

Yakutia – Residents of the house (orphan children) and some of the service staff.

"Behgjet Pacolli" Foundation, in the republic of Saha - Yakutia, has donated this home for sheltering orphans to children with physical disabilities (who were often rejected by their parents and abandoned).

This house had a capacity of 220 beds with all the furniture for living, kitchens and spaces for daily stay, recreational spaces, spaces for medical care, classrooms and everything else in the service of these children.

Orphanage in Yakutia, contribution of "Behgjet Pacolli" foundation.

This house was built for a record term and was inhabited by 220 children from where medical treatments were organized both within the republic and abroad.

Many operations were performed by European hospitals such as San Raffaele in Milan and other European clinics, the costs of which were borne by "Behgjet Pacolli" Foundation.

The tombstone is erected for the 26 martyrs killed on May 7, 1999 in Gjakovë


Fondacioni “Behgjet Pacolli” ka transferuar vlerën prej EU 17.000 në llogarinë e familjes Ademaj nga Peja


Kryetare e Gjilanit për një ditë në moshën 16 vjeçare, bursistja e fondacionit, Festina Kurteshi, vazhdon të shkëlqej me arritjet e saj


Professor of IT Engineering, Foundation Scholar, Amir Rashica, a unique success story


The Foundation's scholarship holder, Marigona Qerkezi, the soprano who is conquering the world opera stages


Mr. Pacolli donates a dignified car to the association "Orphans of the Balkans"


Assistance for uniforms and reconstruction of administrative facilities for the TMK


The reconstruction of the school in Marec and the establishment of the museum


We are building 5 houses in Mitrovica for those damaged by the floods


After the January floods, the foundation "Behgjet Pacolli" and "Yetimat e Balkani" start the construction of 5 houses in Skenderaj


Reconstruction of the houses destroyed by the earthquake in Thumana


Support for the construction of the UP facility
