After the January floods, the foundation "Behgjet Pacolli" and "Yetimat e Balkani" start the construction of 5 houses in Skenderaj

After the January floods, the "Behgjet Pacolli" Foundation and "Balkan Orphans" with the help of donors and contributors such as Ekrem Lluka from the Dukagjini company, public figures from Switzerland, Bernd Beetz - SV Waldhof Mannheim Spielbetriebs Gmbh, Besim Rexhepaj and many other donors , has started building houses in the municipality of Skenderaj.

Skenderaj, May 9, 2023 –

The family of Isak Smajli from the village of Kučicë, today received the news from the representatives of the "Behgjet Pacolli" Foundation, that we will build a new house for them.

This family lost everything they had in the floods that occurred in January of this year.

The day also started with joy for the families of Jetullah and Avdullah Imeri, in the village of Tushilë, the family of Xhafer Zyhrani from Llausha, and Isuf Gjokajt, from Skenderaj.

These 5 families will be given new homes, thanks to the commitment and humanity shown by the "Behgjet Pacolli" Foundation and the association "Balkan Orphans".

Also, in this municipality, some houses that were affected by these floods will be renovated.

The founder of the foundation, Behgjet Pacolli, through a conference in Pristina, thanked all those who contributed.

Among the contributors are; public figures from Switzerland, Bernd Beetz – SV Waldhof Mannheim Spielbetriebs Gmbh, Mr. Besim Rexhepaj, Mr. Ekrem Lluka from the Dukagjini company, and many other donors.

History that the entire organization for help did not flow

The morning of January 20 found many villages in the Drenica area under water. Incessant rain for several days causes many families to move from their homes.

The founder of the Foundation, Mr. Behgjet Pacolli, extremely worried by this created situation, did not stand idly by. Through a post on Facebook, he activated the Foundation's bank account, so that all people of good will have the opportunity to help.

However, on February 7, 20023, the founder of the Foundation, Mr. Behgjet Pacolli, called a media conference, where he announced the amount of funds collected and the names of the donors.

This is the link where you can watch the press conference .

Also, in the link below you can read the names of all the donors who contributed to the families affected by the floods.

These are the donors who contributed to the floods in Mitrovica, Skenderaj, Klina - Behgjet Pacolli Foundation (

The tombstone is erected for the 26 martyrs killed on May 7, 1999 in Gjakovë


Fondacioni “Behgjet Pacolli” ka transferuar vlerën prej EU 17.000 në llogarinë e familjes Ademaj nga Peja


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